Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - The Cake Cutting (and Eating)

Before we get to the cake cutting, I feel I have to say a little something about our dessert selection at the wedding. Now, it was always clear to us that The Grand Summit was going to provide us with a LOT of food. And I was excited about that. We were getting passed appetizers, a buffets selection during the cocktail hour, plus a seated dinner. 

But what about dessert? What was listed for us on the wedding menu was the wedding cake and a "Viennese table". My parents described a Viennese table as a small dessert table with mini cakes and pies and pastries. I thought that sounded like the appropriately sized dessert. Well... let's just say that "small" is obviously a relative term...

This is just one small section of a long table of different types of pies and cakes. Not mini ones, BIG full-sized ones. They were so yummy :).

But back to the-most-important-cake-in-the-room...

Let me begin by saying... Mishka and I sucked at this part. I've cut my fair share of cakes in my time, but they were all one layer. The introduction of two new layers totally threw us off base. Luckily the venue provided us with some kind of "cake steward" guy who was there to help us complete the task.

This is us after making the first incision. You can see my face. I'm thinking "Oh I hope we're doing this right..." We made two cuts and then looked helplessly at the cake steward guy and he took over from there. He skillfully removed the tiny TINY triangle of cake we had cut and handed it to us on a plate.

The eating it part we were much better at.

This is me trying to get frosting on Mishka's nose. Our cake steward is the guy on the right.

Mishka was obviously ready for dessert :).

It was delicious :-D.

And then Mishka and I added to the sweetness :).

Ahhh the nose crinkle of happiness. 

After the cake cutting Mishka and I dived into our own desserts. We just couldn't let the variety of the Viennese table go to waste!

Next Up: The Bouquet Toss

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