Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - The First Dance

I'll admit it: I was VERY nervous about the first dance. I never blogged about it, but Mishka and I had been taking lessons to learn the fox trot to our chosen song "Fly Me to the Moon" by Frank Sinatra. We learned the dance very well and our instructor even complimented us on how quickly we picked up the steps considering we only took 5 lessons before the wedding. 

Still, I was petrified that we would mess up the dance and I would be incredibly embarrassed out there on the dance floor. Mishka kept reassuring me that we wouldn't and that everything would be fine. Well, as is so often the case, we both turned out to be right. There were definitely some hiccups during the first dance, but everything did turn out fine. In fact, it all turned out better than fine! 

Here's what happened...

Mishka and I took our positions on the dance floor and waited for the music to start. This was when I first knew we were going to have to do some improvising. We had learned our entire dance according to a recording of Frank Sinatra's voice. We assumed the band would have a similar arrangement. Boy were we wrong. As the first notes of "Fly Me to the Moon" began to play we realized it was a completely different arrangement than the one we had been practicing to. At this point we had a few options:

1. I could have freaked out and thrown a fit about this ruining what was supposed to be a perfect special moment for us.
2. We could have scrapped the special dance we had worked so hard on and just "middle-school swayed" to the music


3. We looked at each other, started laughing hysterically, and began the dance anyway, just as we had practiced. 

So you'll notice most of the pictures of us during our first dance look like this:

We have these huge silly grins on our faces because we didn't stop laughing the ENTIRE time. I swear, I can't even remember dancing- only grinning from ear to ear. 

My equally silly sisters singing along to our music.

I had read a lot of wedding blogs that quoted the first dance as being a moment where the rest of the world melted away and it was just the two of you dancing together. To me, it was going to be a moment where I nervously danced a choreographed routine with my husband to impress our guests. I was surprised to find that, in the moment, I did have that "only two in the room" experience. We just laughed, played around, and generally had a good time as opposed to stressing about looking perfect. 

I love that we got a few twirls in there :-D. They were so much fun! And I felt that it was such a tango/sultry strut (the picture doesn't do it justice).

Our big finish (I'm showing off my new wedding ring in case you couldn't tell :-D).

And at the end of it, no one noticed the few missteps we had. No one knew what the dance was supposed to look like except for us. All in all, I wouldn't have changed a moment of our first dance. It was one of my favorite moments from the wedding. 

Next Up: Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance

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