Monday, April 30, 2012

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - Toasts

Let me preface this by saying we had a LOT of toasts. And it's a bit funny because up until a few days before the wedding I was totally convinced we would only have 2 or at the most 3. How many were there at the actual reception? Six. Yup, you read that right. Six toasts. On the one hand, a part of me wonders if it was too long for our guests to wait (though guests had already feasted on our food stations so no one was hungry). I also have to say that our toasts were very enjoyable... at least from the bride's point of view. 

But let me tell you the story of how we got from 2 toasts to 6 toasts. The traditional toast line up is usually the best man, the maid of honor, and maybe the father of the bride. My father was adamant from the start that he wasn't super interested in making a toast (I think due to shyness and not wanting to make our guests sit for too long). So I figured 2 toasts, one by my sisters (the collective maids of honor), and one by our best best man S. Then groomsman V expressed that he would really like to say something after the best man. He is Mishka's oldest friend so we gave the o.k. That brought the total up to 3. Then, our band sent us a sheet asking for some information about the toast line-up and there was a spot for "Grace" (as in a traditional "before-dinner" catholic prayer). My parents were psyched and immediately suggested our long time friend Fr. B who co-officiated our ceremony but hadn't played a large part in the actual proceedings. It seemed fair so we again said O.K. Toasts 4. Then, a few days before the wedding, my dad said he actually WOULD like to say something at the wedding, and Mishka's father followed suit. So our total rose to 6 and there it stayed. Some may have found the toast section lengthy, but for Mishka and myself, we were touched that there were so many people excited about the opportunity to speak publicly at our reception and to wish us well. So without further ado... the toasts!

Fr. B saying Grace, blessing the food we were to eat as well as our marriage. I think he was a little nervous, but he did a fantastic job :).

Next up was GM V. His toast was one of the most humorous as you can see by our faces. He even had a little note sheet which Mishka managed to swipe as a memento :). 

I love how long Mishka and V have been friends. They've known each other for years and, though of course they give each other a hard time it seems like they'll be friends forever...

Next up was BM S. He was the counterpoint to V's funny speech. His toast was touching, with just the right amount of humor thrown in. 

He and Mishka haven't been friends all that long, but they are perfectly suited to each other. It's a very low maintenance friendship. S is such a great guy, I am so glad he is a part of our lives! 

Next up was my sisters. I think you can tell from the looks on our faces that this was another toast filled with laughter. But that's just my sisters. When we get together - we laugh. It's unavoidable :).

I love my ladies!!

Next up was Mishka's dad. He also had a note sheet with him, though we did not manage to swipe that one ;). In fact, Mishka's father insists that he was writing and rewriting some things right up until he started to speak.

I love Mishka's mom's face as she watches her husband speak :). So sweet!

Mishak's dad had had a bit to drink at that point so he was feeling good and hugging everybody!

And finally, my dad finished off the toasting period. 

And like the classy guy he is, he kept it short and sweet! Just a few words of advice and how he wished us nothing but happiness in our lives together :).

Next Up: Dinner and Dancing

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