Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wedding Week?

As a bride I always assumed that you get ONE day, your wedding day, to be a bride. But, as I read recap after recap, they always begin with the "wedding week" activities. And I realized... I don't really have any "wedding week" activities planned.

Of course there's the rehearsal dinner, which we will be having, but that's not what I meant. I've read recaps about spa days, going for mani/pedis with the bridesmaids and family, I even read one recap of a wedding party "hike up a mountain"! I hadn't planned on doing anything like this with my bridal party. Most of our groomsmen won't even be in the state until the Thursday or Friday before.

I recently found out that my bachelorette party will be the Thursday before the wedding so we could count that on the list of "Wedding Week" activities. But I had no plans for bridal party mani/pedis or hikes. And, perhaps most practically, I had no plans for any bridal party fun on Friday morning or afternoon. All my bridesmaids (and most of the groomsmen too I think) will be here already for my bachelorette party. So, assuming we don't have any last minute work to do, we could theoretically have some bride and b-maid chill time.

I'll probably start pondering some ideas of things we could do once it gets closer to December. After all, our friday activity could be a bridal party snow shovel of our driveway if we have a freak snowstorm like last winter..

As always, will keep updated :).

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