Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Music Minister is Awesome

I know I've done many many introduction posts. You probably figured I couldn't have any more people to introduce right? Well you'd be wrong! (Very wrong actually since there's still a bunch of people I haven't introduced yet, but those are posts for another time)

Last weekend we met with our music minister to discuss the music for our ceremony. She's the music minister for our parish so it was the kind of thing where "you get what you get and you don't get upset" (to quote my teacher self). She just started at the parish in September so we had never met before while going to mass there. We were both curious as to how we would get along with her.

We needn't have worried. She's awesome!

I came prepared with our little "ceremony script" and our music minister was very impressed. She actually told me I was the most prepared bride she had ever worked with. A title I feel I deserved since we've been working on our ceremony, perfecting everything we could, for almost a year.

However, there were a few sections where we were looking for some advice- specifically in the recessional. I knew we wanted something upbeat, and something that would make Mishka and I feel like running from the church because we're so excited we're MARRIED!!!! But we had no idea what we wanted that to be.

Good thing we had Music Minister M to help us out. She played us a few songs and then we had it. "Ode to Joy". It was perfect. Even the title describes exactly what our wedding recessional will be: "joyful".

As prepared as I was, M helped us make our ceremony just a little more awesome.

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