Friday, January 14, 2011

Signature Cocktail Tasting and Columbo

Right now I am taking a brief break from a Columbo marathon with my mom to type this out. We've both had rough days and decided to spoil ourselves a little by making a cocktail she's been waiting to share with me since she first discovered it at a restaurant last year. She emailed the chef asking for the recipe, which is something she almost never does.

It needs a bit of tweaking before we can really decide whether it will be my signature cocktail or not (Mishka will have his own s. cocktail). It's a lot of things I like: sweet, strong, and garnished with a dried cherry. But we're still playing with it. It might be TOO strong. After all, my mom and I plan on drinking a lot of martini's throughout the night so we can't overdo it with just one.

As for Columbo, it's a show (and an actor if you count Peter Falk) my mom have bonded over for longer than I can remember. How is it relevant to my wedding? Well, I mentioned there will be a break between the ceremony and reception right? Well, after family pictures, my mom is thinking of taking the bridal party up to her room and turning on a bit of a Columbo to relax before the reception. I told that to our photographer and he thought it would make GREAT pictures- very unique.

But, aside from it's relation to my wedding, what I'm really enjoying is spending a few moments alone with my mom doing things we both love. I won't have as many of these moments once I get married and so I'm trying to make as much of what I have now as possible.

I love you mom! :)

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