Wednesday, September 7, 2011

26 Years Ago Today...

It may come as a surprise to learn that this week there is not only one wedding anniversary in my family, but two! My parents, were married 26 years ago today. They'll be going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the occasion so their children will have to fend for themselves for dinner ;). I'm sure we'll survive.

To give you a little glimpse into their wedding... they got married at 10:30 in the morning if you can believe it. Apparently, their family was none too happy about that, but it was their day after all :). They had an early evening reception where they apparently left the dance floor only to cut the cake. My dad refers to it as the only time he forgot his duties as a host (which if you know my dad, says something about how happy he was on their day :).

Still, even with all that, my grandmother refers to their wedding as her favorite wedding of all her children. She said she thought the ceremony was the most meaningful and that the reception was a lot of fun. Which is definitely saying something since my grandmother is not one to play favorites :-D.

So congratulations mom and dad! 26 years and counting!

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