Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Extreme Make-Up Trial

I probably didn't mention, but Mishka and I went up to visit his parents this past weekend. My Future MIL, who graciously offered to do make-up for the wedding, did my first (and only) make-up trial for the wedding. But, just because it was my only make-up trial doesn't mean it wasn't intense!

First of all, the make-up trial itself took several hours. Close to four. My FMIL even woke me up early so we could have the perfect sunlight.

First we figured out my eyes. Let me give you a quick reminder of the eye make-up my FMIL bought for me:

The name is "Molten Shore", which sounds like it should be a summer eye color, but in reality it turned in to a fantastic winter palette. We tried the colors in several different combinations, but our final eye configuration looked something like this:

Although there's a little more purple and brown and a little less silver. But you get the idea. I! LOVE it! I thought it turned out crazy gorgeous :-D.

Then, we moved on to the lipstick. Which might seem like it wouldn't take that long since we had finished the eyes, but you would be wrong ;). We had 19 different lipsticks we wanted to work through. I didn't end up trying all 19, but I tried at least 10. We decided on something very close to this:

So all in all I'll have a very dramatic winter look. I'm very happy with it :).

Oh, but you didn't hear the most extreme part! I wore the make-up ALL day! And not just around the house. It survived a walk by the ocean with the spray of the sea, an extended play on the swings with the wind blowing in my face, and I even went grocery shopping with it on (I got some looks, i'll tell you).

And if my make-up could survive all that and still look gorgeous (I didn't see my parents until the end of the day so they got to experience it after all of the above and they loved it!), then I know I'll look fantastic all throughout my wedding.

I'm so excited :-D!!!!

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