Friday, September 2, 2011

Differences vs. Similarities

Mishka and I are VERY different people. In fact, if you take each aspect of our personality separately we appear as almost complete opposites. Ironically, the differences between us are what make us such a highly cohesive couple. We seem to be able to adapt to any situation thrown at us through the help of our combined strengths.

However, that is not to say that we do not have similarities, and I have to admit that some of my happiest moments are discovering things we both enjoy. The latest of which, is an online show/movie called Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

We've been watching it together somewhat obsessively and essentially know the entire show by heart. By the way, it's a fantastic piece of film if anyone is interested in a 41 minute musical tragicomedy.

But I can't tell you how much fun it is to sing duets to each other in the car, or giggle endlessly together over the idea of a supervillain mastermind named "Bad Horse" (the thoroughbred of sin!!!). And the end? Almost too perfect.

And so we're planning an encore encore (encore) viewing this evening while we play a game of St. Petersburg. And we'll sing along to all the songs at the top of our lungs, laugh at Captain Hammer's ridiculous macho mannerisms, and be in awe of Neil Patrick Harris's pitch perfect portrayal of the tortured nerdy Dr. Horrible.

So in a way it's less Differences versus Similarities, and more Differences AND Similarities. Because in my opinion, you need both. And we're discovering more of both all the time.

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