Sunday, February 13, 2011

Everything's Better When You Do It Together

But that doesn't mean it's easier :-P. Yes, this is the infamous "pre-wedding workout" post.

However, the exercise journey that Mishka and I are embarking on is not strictly for the best wedding/honeymoon bodies we can get. There are a number of factors in our lives right now which mandate a healthier lifestyle. So, yes we're excited about the idea of rocking wedding bodies, but our ultimate goal is for healthier exercise habits to ensure that we have a long, healthy, and happy life together.

Now onto what we've done so far:

Who among you in wedding-blog land have not heard of the infamous...

So far, the work-out has been kicking Mishka and my bottom. I've been working out on and off for the past few months (since I was getting in shape for FSIL Katerina's wedding), but for Mishka this is the first regular work-out routine he's done since high school.

We've managed to maintain a schedule of working out about 3 times a week and so far it's been going great. Since we don't have time to do it every day, I don't know what our results will be in a month or so. But if we can keep it up until the wedding, who knows?

And the best part? That we're doing it together! So Mishka is my motivation to keep going and I am his. Because I know that working out is helping his health and he knows that working out makes me happy. So it's good all around :).

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

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