Friday, February 11, 2011

Tapas and my 5th Bridesmaid

Last night, I finally managed to get some time with my friend A, who I knew I wanted to ask to be a bridesmaid. I also knew I wanted to do it in person so this would be my first chance to do it since Mishka and I got engaged.

We didn't get to see each other for my birthday, so she was taking me out for a belated birthday dinner and the restaurant was my choice. A and I are both foodies, so I thought Tapas would be a good choice since we could try a bunch of different things instead of only an appetizer and an entree. The food was delicious (as expected), and it was so wonderful to catch up after many months of not seeing each other.

But, one of the highlights of the evening for me, was early on when the conversation turned towards my plans for the wedding. She asked something about my bridesmaids, and I awkwardly segued "Yes, well, speaking of bridesmaids... A would you like to be one?"

She was so surprised and so touched. She immediately said yes and that she was extremely honored to be a part of my day. And I was honored that she accepted. A is one of my closest female friends (perhaps the closest) and I am so excited to have her stand up at the altar with me when I marry Mishka next December.

It was also nice to actually have a bridesmaid who didn't know long before I got engaged that she was going to be asked. My sisters all knew basically since they were born, and Mishka's sister Katerina knew since before Mishka and I got engaged- probably since before she got married. But, though I have known A for years, I'm pretty sure I took her totally by surprise :).

I'd love to tell you more about her, but as soon as Mishka gets his butt in gear about asking his groomsman I'm going to introduce our bridal party members one by one. He's got two down (with no exertion on his part :-P) but he's got three more to go! Go Mishka go!

1 comment:

  1. What a slow Mishka you've got!

    And I totally did not know since before I got married! I was very happily surprised when you mentioned it offhand for the first time as if it was a given :)
