Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Minor Success makes me happy :)

What success am I referring to?

Remember how I mentioned Mishka and I have been working out regularly? Well, I went home for the weekend (just got back yesterday), and every single member of my family mentioned that we looked both trimmer and various parts of our anatomy looked "tighter".

Granted, we still have a long way to go, but I've always heard that you shouldn't measure weight loss by numbers on a scale, but by changes in your body (i.e. fitting into a pair of "skinny jeans", or "before and after pictures).

And sure, my family members might be biased because they know we're working hard. But I did also notice that Mishka and my endurance has increased a LOT. We went to a really tough spinning class with my family on Saturday and both of us kept going until the last minute, with no slacking off or "going through the motions". We were both feeling it the next day, but we felt great too.

Even though we've only been doing this for a little under a month, we've been working super hard at shifting into a new lifestyle. We may have moments of weakness, where we just did not feel like working out, or really want an extra cookie with dessert, but overall we've been sticking to our guns on this one. And I am so proud of us.

I say us because it really is an effort on both our parts. For all my resolve, there are times that, if Mishka weren't my conscience I would probably have given up (particularly regarding food). And if I weren't Mishka's conscience, he probably would not have kept up with our work-out schedule.

I've always said Mishka and I were a great team, but I'm still impressed with how far we've come together :).


  1. SO proud of you guys! Can't wait to see the new toned Ang and Mishka :)

  2. great! hope mishka looks now like a real soldier considering today is Red Army Day or as it now known in Ukraine - Day of Motherland's Defenders
